Design and fabrication of Portable manual Roller Bending machine


  • Bijay Kumar Pradhan Jigme Namgyel Engineering College
  • Dorji Wangmo Jigme Namgyel Engineering College
  • Jigme Dendup Jigme Namgyel Engineering College
  • Karma Yeshi Jigme Namgyel Engineering College
  • Karma Drukpa Jigme Namgyel Engineering College
  • Tandin Wangdi Jigme Namgyel Engineering College


Problem statement, Fabrication of manual bending machine (3-D modelling of Machine)


The aim of this project is to design and fabricate a roller-bending machine, which is useful for bending a metal rods and sheets/plates. The size of machine is very convenient which makes it portable and easy to use. It is fully made of mild steel. It reduces human efforts and require less skills to operate, which can save costs for fabrication shops and construction industries. the roller-bending machine is made up of two lower rollers, one upper roller mounted on ball bearings, an elevating screw, a rotating lever, and supporting frame. This machine works on simple kinematic system that is four bar chain or Quadric cycle chain as it contains four links and each of them form a turning pair with each other instead of a complicated design like the chain and sprocket-based roller mechanism to bend rods. Due to its portability, it can be used by small workshops or fabrication shops. The bending machine is a common tool in all mechanical workshops. The paper also describes the process and operations employed for the fabrication of roller bending machine.

Author Biographies

Bijay Kumar Pradhan, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang

Dorji Wangmo, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang

Jigme Dendup , Jigme Namgyel Engineering College

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang

Karma Yeshi, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang

Karma Drukpa, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang 

Tandin Wangdi, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College

Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Dewathang




How to Cite

Pradhan, B. K. ., Wangmo, D. ., Dendup , J. ., Yeshi, K. . ., Drukpa, K. ., & Wangdi, T. . (2023). Design and fabrication of Portable manual Roller Bending machine . JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed, 6(1). Retrieved from